Coming Next
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From TicketSource.
On their site, search for 'Headley Theatre Club'
Tickets for perfomances in Headley may be ordered without extra charge through our traditional outlets. |
*** Picture Gallery
The Club was founded in 1952, building on the success of a pageant held to celebrate the Festival of Britain the previous year. It was felt that an organisation should be formed in the Village to encourage such enthusiasm and talent on a more permanent basis. And so it has remained.
As an active village drama group, we thrive only so long as we continue to attract both members and audiences.
Our policy is to welcome all comers, and put them to work as soon as possible. Whatever your talent, we can probably use it. See Contacts.
WARNING! Even those who join us "just to make the tea" usually end up on the stage anyway! |
Typically the Club puts on a pantomime, a 3-act play and a musical event each year. Often we do far more than this. To some extent our schedule depends on the talents and availability of our members.
As a village organisation, we take seriously our responsibilities for giving the youth of the village something worthwhile to do with their leisure time. As well as being involved in the annual pantomime and the summer events, the Junior (6-11) and Youth (12-18) sections also put on their own shows from time to time.
Acting, of course, but also lighting, stage management, costumes, art work, publicity you have an idea, and we'll consider it.
From treasure hunts to barbecues to theatre visits, the Club organises a full social calendar for its members through the year.
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'Cinderella' now in Rehearsal Proposed rehearsal schedule Cast list Script Song List Song Words
Sats 18 & 25 Jan 2025: 'Cinderella', a pantomime written by Jo Smith
Tues 4 Feb 2025: Introduction evening for 'The School Reunion' Proposed rehearsal schedule
Sun 9 March 2025: A 'clear-out' day
Fri 21 March 2025: 7pm A social evening of Kurling in the Village Hall £15 including Ploughman's Supper
Sun 23 March 2025: Another 'clear-out' day
Fri 25 & Sat 26 April 2025: 'The School Reunion' a Murder Mystery evening, directed by Steve & Mel
Mon 5 May: Our contribution to the Headley Village Hall Centenary Day format to be confirmed, directed by Pru
Sun 6 July: Date for the next Dramatic Hindhead Walk
Fri 11 & Sat 12 July 2025: 'Through the Years' a light-hearted look at life as time goes by, directed by Jo & Nick
Sat 26 July 2025: Summer Barn Dance with Barbara Parry and her Rough Ditch Folk
Aug/Sept: walking Treasure Hunt date to be announced
Sats 11 & 18 Oct 2025: 'An Evening of Comedy' 2 or 3 short one-act plays or excerpts, together with a 3 course meal
Other days & evenings will be arranged for Socials / Clear-outs / Maintenence / Junior & Youth events we'll keep you posted
Have you any thoughts as to what else we might do? Let us know, and Watch this space
Committee meetings normally first Monday of the month
Next Committee meeting: 8pm, Monday 3 Feb at Nick's
Our 'twin' organisation in Corné Les Bouillards de Corné
For links to many other groups nationally, try Amdram - the amateur theatre network
At the 'west weald edge' where Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex meet, your local Am Dram groups are:
Among local professional theatres are:
Make a change from the run-of-the-mill — For your pantomime scripts have a look at John Owen Smith's site
Headley Theatre Club |
– This web site maintained by John Owen Smith –
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